Fans everywhere Romancing is not got by every single player but if you achieve some best moments in the entire franchise if want to romance with someone. However, in the vanilla version, the powers that your character has seem to be a little too weak. Luckily modder Dybukk has an easy-to-install fix. And he took it upon himself to create high-resolution textures for every blue lady in ME2. So this is a most useful mod in best Mass Effect Andromedamods list that you need to check out. The best part is that this mod will run perfectly in any gaming rig that runs the base game at virtually no performance cost. In the meantime, if you're thinking of dusting off your old copy of Mass Effect and starting another run through the entire trilogy, there are a few things you can do to spice up the game. To find the waypoint marker and determine the path therein you need to return on the map menu again and again when you go to the right path. You can also increase the range that bullet visual FX travels for every single weapon in the game.